The Secret Life of Trees


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In a 1993 conversation with Robin Jennings Stahl, then an editor at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, I mentioned my interest in doing feature illustrations. Though she was intrigued by my portfolio, Robin had no immediate need for a freelance illustrator. Suddenly, inspiration tapped me on the shoulder and I threw out some ideas about how illustrations could be used. One of these was the concept of an illustrated folk tale for adults. She agreed to give it a try, and promised to run the first story within two weeks in Focus Magazine, the full-color Sunday supplement to the paper. Appearing once or twice a month over the next three years, the concept of 'Visual Fiction' became a series of twenty-four illustrated stories through which I could explore many uncharted regions of my imagination. I've selected a few to share with you here.

I own the rights to these stories and am interested in any ideas you may have for reprinting and perhaps expanding the collection.

Text and Illustrations © 1999 Ilene Winn-Lederer